Research Interests


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently an area of great interest across various disciplines, owing to its significant impact on human advancement. The influence of AI is expected to extend to various aspects of human life, including lifestyle, cognition, behaviour, economic systems, and art. Consequently, my research adopts a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates diverse fields impacted by cognitive science.


Central to my research is a focus on learning, encompassing both human and machine learning, as well as AI and Virtual Reality. My study on AI goes beyond machine learning and comprises a broad range of research directions, including robotics, brain-computer interfaces, systems, and brain studies.


A macro-view of the Big Picture requires a multi-disciplinary perspective, which is inherent in my research approach. I firmly believe that understanding human attributes such as knowledge acquisition, emotions, problem-solving, and creativity is integral to developing AI systems that can be relied upon. Virtual Reality also plays a significant role in modern society and is closely linked to AI and learning. The boundary between online and offline experiences is increasingly blurred, and the integration of skill and knowledge acquisition, virtual reality, and AI is becoming more apparent.


My research activities encompass not only basic research investigations but also the impact of AI on learning, industry, finance, and society. Given the concerns surrounding the applications of AI in various sectors such as industrial, job, social, economic, legal, and health systems, there is an urgent need to consider regulatory and protective measures. It is essential to establish how new AI systems can be integrated into human lives while considering legal and ethical considerations.


Empathy is critical for the advancement of AI and presents both the most significant challenge and the greatest opportunity for protection. Additionally, the development of Explanatory AI is essential, given the increasing applications of AI in everyday life.


From my point of view, three essential components that AI must consider include the system's perspective, which involves understanding how adaptive systems and learning agents can replicate, integrate, and improve the acquisition of human experiences; the affective engineering approach, which involves enhancing machines to 'translate' the emotional sphere of humans and empowering the knowledge of the human brain; and the augmented communication dimension, which focuses on human-machine interaction, the foundation for any future technological development and human progress. All these three directions find a place in my research.
















































ORCID: 0000-0002-0589-5275

Selected talks & interviews

April 2023: interview for MilanoPavia TV about the ASBA PROJECT

Watch the interview here:


From November 2022 on: La Tecnologia alla Portata di Tutti. Podcast serie for the magazine StarBene


March 2023: interview on Metaverse and Remote Learning for the magazine Dirigenti Industria (Federmanager).

Online version:


August 2022: interview on the Metaverse for the magazine StarBene.

Online version:


May 2022: interview on AI and IoT for the magazine Dirigenti Industria (Federmanager).

Online version:




Edinburgh University, February 7th, 2020 - Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation. Seminar title: Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Technologies: where and why they matter.

Abstract here


RadioNews24 TV (sole24ore). Interview on Artificial Intelligence. January 2020.


Global WoMen Hub. Workshop: Practical Solutions for a Work Life Balance. 2 December 2019, European Union Residence Palace - Brussels. Panel Debate on Digitalisation and Work-Life Balance. Artificial Intelligence and robotization.

Audio recording here


WIL (European Network For Women In Leadership - Annual Gathering Milan 21-22 March 2019, Microsoft House and Cariplo Factory, Milan. Each year, WIL Europe organizes an Annual Gathering for its Members, Talents and Friends to meet and exchange with other participants from the WIL network and selected guests.

Picure gallery here


Workshop: The Contract Journey-Deep Dive in Contract Management and Automation" - February 6th, 2019, Milan (Italian Chamber of Commerce)

Keynote: Digitization, Artificial Intelligence: benefit and future - Raffaella Folgieri

Agenda here


Intelligenza artificiale e diritto. Come regolare un mondo nuovo. Parma, 12 October 2018

L'inclusione delle macchine intelligenti nei sistemi di giustizia nel mondo: una rassegna critica.

Agenda here


Diritto, medicina, tecnologie - Incontro interdisciplinare. I seminario annuale BioLaw Journal Rivista di BioDiritto. Trento, 10 April 2017

Talk "Tecnokogia e Diritto(i): il caso dell'Intelligenza Artificiale"

Agenda here

Workshop: Creativity, Extended Cognition and Artificial Intelligence. Milan, February 2017


Museo Arte e Scienza (link), 6 November 2017, Milano, Italy

Michelangelo Buonarroti ai tempi delle Neuroscienze. Come il cervello comprende e crea l'arte.

Agenda here

Materials here


Ted Talk. Creativity and Business: the impact of Artificial Intelligence. January 2014. Johnson&Johnson



BCI-MAchine Learning-Robotics

Teaching activities


Professor in Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Philosophy MSc, Università degli Studi di Milano - Italy
Professor of Advanced Technology in Medicine (Specialisaton), Università degli Studi di Milano - Italy
Professor of Big Data Management and Analysis, Ph.D. course in Business Management, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Several seminars on AI and VR
Director of the specialisation course on Esperti in didattica eprsonalizzata e metodologie di insegnamento orientate ai DSA, Università degli Studi di Milano - Italy